Candle Sand

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Premium Candle Sand

Premium quality is a fine sand like wax that is reusable. After extinguishing, let the molten wax cool where the wick was lit. Then simply lift off the solidified wax piece and discard. The remaining sand can used to create a new candle! Simply cut another wick piece and insert into the sand!

Making sand candles requires no special candle making equipment.

Go ahead and play around with the sand! Layer and mix colors perhaps add heat-resistant props such as rocks or glass pebbles. While you play around and experiment with the sand, you may use the wicks quicker. Its a good idea to pick up a few extra wicks in the beginning to add to your candle sand supplies.

To see more creative candle making ideas visit our social media links below.

There is no right or wrong way to use Candle Sand. It’s all about creativity, imagination and most of all, FUN!